Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Today was NOT funny

If I had to hear the story of M's new son's birth one more time today at work, I think I would have put a gun to my head. Ugh. I tried like hell to avoid it, running to the bathroom, water cooler, copy machine, etc. each time someone else came by and asked if the baby had been born yet, how much he weighed, what the labor was like, blah, blah, blah. But there was no escaping it. Then T, pregnant co-worker #1, is having a conversation with someone about how she has the baby's room decorated. Arh!! 4:30pm could not have come fast enough and when I left the office today I could feel the tension leaving my body.
It's over now though and K is out for the rest of the week. She'll be back on Monday with pictures and stories I'm sure. I feel like I've just got to find something to do outside of the office on Monday AM. But that will probably just be prolonging it because eventually I have to see her - and she'll ask if I want to look at the pictures. And, I don't know what to say. I don't do well with newborn pictures. Little kids, fine, but not babies. Just another thing for me to stress about for the next 5 days.

So much for trying to laugh - I did not find much humor in today.


Pamela T. said...

I feel for you. I've got a couple of preggos in the office and a few new parents who love to compares notes. It's all I can do to be elsewhere when they gather to crow about their progeny or babies to be.

RBandRC said...

I definitely feel for you on this one. I have been surrounded by pregnant women for almost a year and half. I work in the most fertile freaking place ever and it can be so hard. It's still hard even now.

I just try to avoid baby conversations all together and run to another room whenever one comes up in my presence. If I have to look at pictures I ooh and coo over them for a second or two and then have to "rush" to make a "call." Works like a charm.

Good luck! HUGS!

dmarie said...

Ughhh. I'm so sorry. I wish people didn't have to go through it in order to get it.

Meg said...

Bummer- I am sorry that all of this is around you....I know exactly what you mean about the newbie pictures...