Wednesday, August 6, 2008

All Shapes and Sizes

Even when they are in-utero people assume twins are going to be alike. Even those that are not identical. Since my last Dr. appointment I've been telling family, friends and co-workers that we need to have an NST due to the fact that we're having multiples and also to be sure the estimated weight difference between the two is not a concern. Nearly everyone comments on how much bigger Baby B is estimated to be than Baby A, and then asks me why? Gee, I don't know, maybe because people are all different.
Apparently at this point it looks like we are just going to have two different sized babies. The NST was reactive this morning, with both babies showing good heart rate reactions to movement. And, did they ever move! The nurse finally ended the test even though they wouldn't be still at the end. There was no sign of any contractions at all either.
So, that means they are both doing well, estimated weight differences shouldn't signal IUGR, and the placentas are doing well also. I'll have another test in about a week or so, if the bugs decide not to arrive by then. I have to admit though - I am getting anxious! J and I finished packing the hospital bags last night and now all there is left to do is a few more loads of baby laundry and then just wait.
Blood pressure is still a little high though so we have to keep watching that.
Group B strep test done - hopefully results will be OK. And, much to my co-workers' surprise I still have yet to have an internal exam. From what I've heard about them though I am hoping that I can escape without one ever! The GBS test hurt enough!


CJ said...

Good Luck, Good Luck and Good Luck! How exciting! I cant' wait to get to 35 weeks!

CJ said...

Good Luck, Good Luck and Good Luck! How exciting! I cant' wait to get to 35 weeks!

RBandRC said...

So exciting! I can't wait to hear about their arrival!!! :) And the internal exams aren't that bad, provided you have someone doing them that isn't too rough. Just ask your doctor to be gentle. :)